Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Fashion State of The Union

I’m going to make my best effort to get back into this blogging thing. Not because I made it a resolution, I don’t do that well with those, but because a dear friend and I promised each other we would.
It’s something that makes you think: when those around you support, encourage and compliment something they think you’re talented in--  You value and cherish it. You draw inspiration from it, even if, piecing together outfits feels second nature to me and nothing to blog about. 
So without further ado- thank you Faith for keeping me honest on my promise to start writing my fashion thoughts again!

Now to the topic of this entry: Fashion State of the Union. 
You would have had to be on another galaxy not to have heard about President Obama’s last State of the Union. I’m all ears if anyone wants to share impressions on that, though I’ll hold my words as to keep my journalistic integrity.
What I *can’t* keep calm about is our First Lady, Michelle Obama. Wowza. Her style is in-your-face amazing.
Doesn’t take a republican or democrat to recognize that. You can dislike everything ideological about someone but still love their style. If that’s you, don’t fight it.
There’s a scientific explanation to what you’re feeling. 
The truth lies in the eye’s quest for symmetry, colors and patterns that all fit well together. That’s what most people define as beauty. Now I’m not specifying which patterns, which colors, so don’t boo me off stage just yet, but think about the concept as a whole as you’re reading this. 
You take the Michelle Obama physique and it’s easy to see how symmetric it is. Toned shoulders and arms, equal curves on both sides of the waist and complimenting hips.
That could be the reason this $2095 Narcisco Rodriguez dress on Mrs. Obama effortlessly overshadowed politics last night. I have to say… it seems like the quickest, most efficient marketing strategy to singlehandedly clean out stock for the designer. Admired First Ladies (or duchesses) tend to have that effect when making appearances in high profile events- think Kate Middleton’s Issa London navy blue dress from her engagement to Prince William. That sold out too. Quickly.

Interestingly enough, the Fall 2015 collection number, is easy to like but it’s not immediately obvious why. Not like this is one of Beyonce’s dazzling body suits sparkling its way into your heart. Or you know… J.Lo’s “the dress” that you couldn’t stop looking at, even if you tried (I’m sure you’re having a flashback by now)
No. Here, we’re talking about finesse at its finest, in a realm where it’s verbal finesse that gets recognition and turns heads. I suppose if you’re the First Lady of the free world, you know your every detail will be under a microscope on a night like SOTU address night, so you prepare accordingly, right? 
Here’s what I mean: it’s no coincidence that Mrs. Obama chose Mr. Rodriguez’s design. A Cuban-American designer, dressing the First Lady for the State of the Union beaming with pride for having thawed relations with Cuba, among other things. And if you don’t buy that argument because if she was honoring her husband’s mentioned successes, there would have to be many outfit changes, then just consider this theory: Narcisco Rodriguez, was also the designer of choice for Mrs. Obama’s inauguration dress, which officially kicked off her dressingdom (I know, I know... I made that up) as a First Lady. Last night, she brought it full circle. 
And in between- there were no coincidences either. Custom Vera Wang for the China State Dinner
Bibhu Mohapatra for the Obamas’ visit to Delhi
American sweetheart Jason Wu for both inauguration balls for the President of the United States… you get the gist.

I’m a sucker for coordination, in more ways than one so I have to say- politics aside, I’m a big fan. Here’s to hoping Mrs. Obama will stay on the radar with her grace, style and humble trendsetting ways.
Until next time, friends!